Did you know that the HCG Diet has helped thousands of people achieve significant weight loss? With its unique combination of hormone injections and a low-calorie diet, this protocol has gained popularity for its effectiveness. If you’ve had a break from the HCG Diet and are looking to restart, this step-by-step guide will provide you with the essential instructions to get back on track.

Restarting the HCG Diet may seem challenging, but with the right approach, you can resume your weight loss journey and achieve your goals.

Key Takeaways:

  • Restarting the HCG Diet requires following a specific plan and protocol.
  • Phase 1 of the HCG Diet is known as “The Start” and involves gorging/loading for 1-2 days.
  • Phase 2, also known as “Fat Burn,” combines a 500 calorie diet with HCG supplementation.
  • Phase 3 is the maintenance phase, where you gradually reintroduce foods and monitor weight stability.
  • Following each phase’s guidelines is crucial for successful restart of the HCG Diet.

Phase 1: The Start

Phase 1 of the HCG Diet is known as “The Start.” It marks the beginning of your HCG Diet journey, and it plays a crucial role in restarting the HCG Diet successfully. During this phase, you will go through a process called gorging/loading, where you consume as much fatty and oily foods as possible for 1-2 days.

Gorging/loading may sound counterintuitive, but it’s a vital step in preparing your body for the low-calorie phase that follows. It helps in replenishing glycogen stores and prepares your body for the fat-burning phase. So, don’t skip this phase!

How to Restart the HCG Diet:

  1. Gorge/Load: For 1-2 days, eat high-fat foods such as cheese, nuts, avocado, and other fatty and oily foods. This step is essential in kickstarting your body’s metabolism and ensuring a successful restart of the diet.
  2. Start HCG: After the gorging/loading phase, it’s time to begin taking HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). This hormone helps to suppress hunger and mobilize stored fat for energy.
  3. Continue with a 500 Calorie Diet: For the next 21 days, you will follow a strict 500 calorie diet while taking HCG. This low-calorie intake triggers your body to burn stored fat for energy, leading to rapid weight loss.
  4. Last 2 Days: At the end of Phase 1, you will stop taking HCG while maintaining the 500 calorie diet for an additional two days. This allows your body to adjust before moving into Phase 2.
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Restarting the HCG Diet requires commitment and discipline. By following these steps during Phase 1, you set yourself up for success in achieving your weight loss goals. Stay focused, and you’ll be on your way to a healthier, fitter you!

Phase 2: Fat Burn

Tips For Restarting The Hcg Diet

Phase 2 of the HCG Diet, also known as “Fat Burn,” is a crucial step in restarting your weight loss journey. During this phase, you will follow a strict 500 calorie diet while supplementing with HCG. To ensure your success, here are some essential tips and instructions to guide you through Phase 2.

Eat According to the Approved Food List

One of the key aspects of Phase 2 is adhering to the approved food list. This list includes specific protein options, fruits, and vegetables while avoiding starches, sugars, and oils. It is vital to weigh all meat uncooked and remove any visible fat before cooking. By following the guidelines provided in the HCG Diet protocol, you will optimize your results and stay on track.

Portion Control and Proper Seasonings

Portion sizes play a critical role during Phase 2. It’s important to measure your food accurately and consume appropriate serving sizes. Additionally, you can enhance the flavors of your meals with specific seasonings allowed on the HCG Diet. Tea and coffee are also allowed, as long as they are consumed without added sugars or creams.

Stay Hydrated and Follow the Protocol

Proper hydration is essential during Phase 2. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support your body’s functions. Additionally, following the HCG Diet protocol guidelines precisely will help you reset and restart your weight loss journey effectively.

“Sticking to the approved food list and portion control is key during Phase 2. By following these guidelines, you can optimize your results and restart your HCG Diet journey with success.”

By following these tips and instructions, you can restart the HCG Diet in the most effective way possible. Phase 2 sets the stage for significant fat burn and continued weight loss. Stay committed, stay disciplined, and watch as the pounds melt away.

Phase 3: Maintenance Phase

After completing the HCG injections or drops, you will enter Phase 3 of the HCG Diet, which is the maintenance phase. This phase is crucial for stabilizing your weight and ensuring long-term success in your weight loss journey.

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During Phase 3, you have the freedom to eat anything you please, except for sugar and starch. This is an opportune time to reintroduce healthy, nutritious foods into your diet and establish sustainable eating habits.

One important aspect of Phase 3 is the daily weighing. It is recommended to weigh yourself every morning during this phase to closely monitor your weight. This will help you identify any fluctuations and make necessary adjustments to your calorie intake.

The calorie intake during Phase 3 should range between 800-1200 calories for females and 1200-1500 calories for males. However, it’s crucial to listen to your body’s needs and adjust the calorie intake accordingly. Remember, the goal of this phase is to maintain your weight loss and prevent any rebound effects.

Gradually reintroducing exercise during Phase 3 can also be beneficial. Start with low-impact activities such as walking or light stretching and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. This will help you build strength, improve fitness levels, and further enhance your weight loss results.

In conclusion, Phase 3 of the HCG Diet is an essential step in the overall protocol. It allows you to sustain and maintain your weight loss achievements while transitioning into a healthier lifestyle. Keep in mind the guidelines of sugar and starch avoidance, daily weighing, and personalized calorie intake to optimize your success.

**Note:** The image above illustrates the concept of restarting the HCG Diet after a break, reinforcing the importance of Phase 3 and providing visual support for this section.


Restarting the HCG Diet can be a beneficial step in your weight loss journey. By following the proper steps and protocols outlined in the HCG Diet Restart Guide, you can successfully reset and resume your progress towards your weight loss goals. The HCG Diet Restart Guide provides a comprehensive plan to guide you through each phase of the diet, ensuring that you adhere to the guidelines and achieve maximum results.

Whether you are gorging/loading in Phase 1, sticking to a 500 calorie diet in Phase 2, or maintaining weight stability in Phase 3, it is crucial to stay committed and determined. The Restarting the HCG Diet Successfully requires discipline and dedication to the program.

The HCG Diet Restart Guide provides you with the necessary tools and information to make informed decisions about your food choices, portion sizes, and lifestyle habits. By following this guide, you can reset your body, improve your metabolism, and continue on your weight loss journey with confidence, knowing that you are on the right path to success.

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How do I restart the HCG Diet?

To restart the HCG Diet, you need to follow a specific plan and protocol. Begin with Phase 1, also known as “The Start,” by gorging/loading on fatty and oily foods for 1-2 days. Then, proceed to Phase 2, the “Fat Burn” phase, where you will follow a 500 calorie diet and continue taking HCG. After completing Phase 2, enter Phase 3, the “Maintenance Phase,” where you can gradually reintroduce additional foods but avoid sugar and starch. Following these steps will reset and resume your weight loss journey on the HCG Diet.

What is Phase 1 of the HCG Diet?

Phase 1, also known as “The Start,” involves gorging/loading on fatty and oily foods for 1-2 days. This phase is critical and should not be skipped, as it prepares your body for the rest of the diet. After the gorging/loading phase, you will start taking HCG and continue with a 500 calorie diet for the next 21 days.

What is Phase 2 of the HCG Diet?

Phase 2, also known as “Fat Burn,” is the main phase of the HCG Diet. During this phase, you will follow a strict 500 calorie diet while taking HCG supplementation. It is important to adhere to the approved food list, which includes specific protein options, fruits, and vegetables. Starches, sugars, and oils should be avoided, and portion sizes should be followed. This phase typically lasts for 21 days.

What is Phase 3 of the HCG Diet?

Phase 3, also known as the “Maintenance Phase,” is the phase you enter after completing the HCG injections or drops. During this phase, you can eat anything you please, except for sugar and starch. It is important to weigh yourself every morning during this phase to ensure weight stability. The calorie intake during Phase 3 should be between 800-1200 calories for females and 1200-1500 calories for males. Exercise can gradually be reintroduced during this phase.

How can I restart the HCG Diet successfully after taking a break?

To successfully restart the HCG Diet after taking a break, it is crucial to follow the protocol outlined by your healthcare provider or the HCG Diet guidelines. Begin with Phase 1 by gorging/loading on fatty and oily foods, then proceed to Phase 2 with the 500 calorie diet and HCG supplementation. Finally, enter Phase 3, the maintenance phase, where you can gradually reintroduce additional foods while avoiding sugar and starch. Maintaining commitment and determination will help you achieve your weight loss goals on the HCG Diet.

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