Did you know that the HCG Diet Phase 2, with its specific list of allowable foods, has helped thousands of individuals achieve significant weight loss? This groundbreaking weight loss protocol, developed by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, focuses on a combination of HCG injections or supplements and a carefully selected range of foods to promote rapid and sustainable weight loss.

In this article, I will guide you through the HCG Diet Phase 2 allowable foods, provide insights into the benefits of following an HCG-approved food list, and share tips to maximize your results during this crucial phase of the diet.

Key Takeaways:

  • Phase 2 of the HCG Diet allows for specific proteins, vegetables, fruits, and miscellaneous ingredients that support weight loss.
  • Choosing organic, hormone-free, non-GMO, wild-caught, and humanely raised options is recommended whenever possible.
  • Proteins like chicken breast, extra lean beef, shrimp, and vegetarian options are allowed.
  • A variety of vegetables, including green salad, asparagus, tomatoes, and spinach, can be consumed.
  • Apples, strawberries, grapefruits, and oranges are among the fruits allowed on Phase 2.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative weight loss journey? Let’s dive into the HCG Diet Phase 2 allowable foods and discover the keys to your success!

HCG Phase 2 Proteins

During Phase 2 of the HCG Diet, the focus is on consuming proteins that support weight loss. These proteins are low in calories and satisfy your hunger while providing essential nutrients. Here are the protein sources that are allowed on the HCG Diet:

  • Chicken breast: Skinless and trimmed of fat, chicken breast is a lean protein option. It can be baked, grilled, or boiled.
  • Extra lean cuts or ground beef: Choose cuts of beef that have excess fat removed or opt for extra lean ground beef. Remember to weigh the beef raw before cooking.
  • Shrimp: Shrimp is a delicious protein option that can be grilled, sautéed, or boiled. It is important to remove the shells and tails before weighing.
  • Crab: Fresh crab is a tasty seafood choice. Ensure that you remove the shells and weigh the meat before consuming.
  • Lobster: Lobster is another seafood option that adds variety to your meals. Remove the shells and weigh the meat raw.
  • Curd cheese: For vegetarian participants, curd cheese can be used as a protein source. It is important to check labels and choose options that are low in fat and sugar.
  • Whole eggs and egg whites: Combining whole eggs with egg whites can be an alternative protein source. Be sure to weigh the eggs and remove the excess yolks to control fat intake.

All proteins should be weighed raw and portioned in 100-gram servings to ensure accurate tracking. Remember to remove any visible fat before weighing.

Here is an image of some of the protein sources allowed during Phase 2:

By incorporating these protein sources into your Phase 2 meals, you can enjoy satisfying and nutritious options while achieving your weight loss goals.

HCG Phase 2 Vegetables

Hcg Phase 2 Vegetables

During Phase 2 of the HCG Diet, a variety of vegetables are allowed to provide essential nutrients and fiber while keeping calorie intake low. These vegetables not only add flavors and textures to meals but also help to keep you feeling full and satisfied. Here are some of the approved vegetable options for HCG Phase 2:

  • Green salad
  • Asparagus
  • Tomatoes
  • Celery
  • Spinach
  • Radishes
  • Cucumber
  • Chicory
  • Fennel
  • Chard

Dr. Simeons, the creator of the HCG Diet, did not specify the exact serving sizes for vegetables during Phase 2. However, he recommended avoiding mixing vegetables in the same meal. To maintain a balance in your meal plan, it is advisable to eat around 1 1/2 cups of vegetables per day as a general guideline. However, if you feel hungry, you can consume more vegetables as needed. Just be mindful of portion control and listen to your body’s signals of hunger and fullness.

The benefits of HCG Phase 2 vegetables

These Phase 2 vegetables offer various benefits that support your weight loss journey. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Nutrient-rich: Vegetables like spinach, asparagus, and celery provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that promote overall health and well-being.
  2. Low in calories: Most Phase 2 vegetables are low in calories, allowing you to enjoy them guilt-free while keeping your calorie intake in check.
  3. Fiber content: Vegetables rich in fiber, such as chicory and chard, aid in digestion and help you feel full for longer, reducing the likelihood of overeating.
  4. Hydration: Certain vegetables, including cucumbers and tomatoes, have high water content, contributing to hydration and supporting optimal bodily functions.
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By incorporating these HCG Phase 2 vegetables into your daily meals, you can enjoy a variety of flavors and textures while staying on track with your weight loss goals.

Vegetable Health Benefits
Green salad Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, supports healthy digestion.
Asparagus High in folate and fiber, supports healthy metabolism.
Tomatoes Contains lycopene and vitamin C, promotes heart health.
Celery Low in calories, high in fiber, and aids in digestion.
Spinach Loaded with iron and other essential nutrients, enhances energy levels.
Radishes Rich in antioxidants, supports detoxification.
Cucumber High water content, hydrates the body and promotes skin health.
Chicory Supports digestion and liver health, aids in weight management.
Fennel Rich in fiber and vitamin C, supports digestion and immune system.
Chard High in vitamins A and K, supports bone health.

HCG Phase 2 Fruit

During Phase 2 of the HCG Diet, participants can enjoy a variety of fruits in moderation. The allowable fruits include:

  • Strawberries
  • Grapefruit
  • Apples
  • Oranges

It is important to note that some individuals may have more difficulty losing weight when consuming oranges, so it is advisable to limit their intake.

Adding fruits to your HCG Phase 2 meal plan can provide natural sweetness and additional nutrients. However, it’s crucial to moderate your fruit consumption to ensure you stay within the allowed calorie limits and optimize your weight loss results.

Remember that the HCG Diet is a strict protocol designed for effective weight loss. Following the guidelines for allowable foods is essential to achieve the desired results, so it’s crucial to consult with your healthcare provider or nutritionist before making any changes to your diet.

HCG Diet Phase 2 Misc. ingredients

Hcg Diet Phase 2 Ingredients

In addition to proteins, vegetables, and fruits, Phase 2 of the HCG Diet allows for the consumption of certain miscellaneous ingredients. These ingredients are designed to add flavor, variety, and enjoyment to your meals while still adhering to the guidelines of the diet.

Fresh Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices are a great way to enhance the taste of your meals without adding extra calories. You can experiment with different flavors to create delicious and satisfying dishes. Some popular choices include:

  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Cumin
  • Turmeric
  • Paprika
  • Basil
  • Oregano


Stevia is a natural, zero-calorie sweetener that can be used in place of sugar. It is an approved HCG Diet Phase 2 ingredient and can be used to sweeten beverages or add a touch of sweetness to your meals.

Juice of One Lemon

The juice of one lemon per day is allowed on the HCG Diet Phase 2. You can use it to add flavor to your salads, meats, and vegetables. Lemon juice also provides a refreshing taste and can help with digestion.

Salt and Pepper

While it’s important to limit sodium intake, a small amount of salt and pepper can be used to season your meals. Just be mindful of the quantity to avoid excessive sodium consumption.

Coffee and Tea

For those who enjoy a warm beverage in the morning or throughout the day, coffee and tea are allowed on the HCG Diet Phase 2. Opt for black coffee or unsweetened herbal teas for the best results.

Sparkling Water

If you crave carbonated drinks, sparkling water is a great alternative. It provides a refreshing fizz without any added sugars or calories.

One Tablespoon of Milk

If you prefer adding milk to your coffee or tea, one tablespoon of milk is allowed on the HCG Diet Phase 2. Choose low-fat or skim milk for a lower calorie option.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a popular ingredient known for its potential health benefits and its ability to aid digestion. You can use it as a salad dressing or as a flavor enhancer in various recipes.

Liquid Aminos

Liquid aminos are a great substitute for soy sauce and can be used to add flavor to stir-fries and other Asian-inspired dishes. They are derived from soybeans and are low in sodium.

Chicken and Beef Broth

Both homemade and commercial chicken and beef broth can be used as a base for soups and stews. They add depth of flavor to your meals and can be a comforting option especially during the colder months.

HCG Diet Phase 2 Food List

The HCG Phase 2 Food List is a curated selection of foods that are specifically chosen to support weight loss during this phase of the HCG Diet. These foods are carefully approved and considered safe for consumption, ensuring optimal results for participants. By adhering to this comprehensive food list, individuals can make informed choices and successfully progress in their weight loss journey.


Protein is an essential component of the HCG Phase 2 Food List. It provides necessary nutrients while promoting satiety and muscle preservation. The approved protein options include:

Protein Serving Size
Veal 100 grams
Lean beef 100 grams
Bison 100 grams
Chicken breast 100 grams
Fresh white fish 100 grams
Lobster 100 grams
Crab 100 grams
Shrimp 100 grams


Including vegetables in the HCG Phase 2 Food List ensures a balanced and nutritious diet. These vegetables are low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals. The approved vegetable options include:

  • Spinach
  • Chard
  • Chicory
  • Beet-greens
  • Green lettuce
  • Celery
  • Fennel
  • Onions
  • Red radishes
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Asparagus

Starch Options

Starches are limited during Phase 2 of the HCG Diet, but there are specific types of crackers that can be included. These starch options allow for some variety in the diet without compromising weight loss progress.


Although fruits contain natural sugars, they can be consumed in moderation on the HCG Diet Phase 2. The approved fruit options include:

Fruit Serving Size
Apples 1 medium
Oranges 1 medium
Grapefruits 1/2 medium
Strawberries 1 cup
Peaches 1 medium
Plums 1 medium
Cherries 10 cherries
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By following the HCG Phase 2 Food List, participants have a clear guideline of approved foods that can be included in their daily meals. These foods provide essential nutrients while supporting weight loss goals. It is crucial to consult with healthcare professionals or HCG Diet experts for personalized guidance and to ensure the best results on the HCG Diet Phase 2.

What to Avoid on the HCG Diet Phase 2

Hcg Diet Foods To Avoid

While on Phase 2 of the HCG Diet, it’s important to be aware of the foods that should be avoided to ensure optimal weight loss success and adherence to the HCG Diet protocol. Following the recommended food options and restrictions is crucial for achieving your desired results. Here are some foods you should steer clear of during this phase:

  • Green beans – While green beans are a nutritious vegetable, they are not allowed on the HCG Diet Phase 2.
  • Cauliflower – Another healthy vegetable that should be avoided during this phase to maintain the integrity of the HCG Diet protocol.
  • Blueberries – Although blueberries are a delicious and nutritious fruit, they are not permitted during Phase 2.
  • Turkey – While turkey is a lean protein option, it is not included in the approved list of proteins for Phase 2 of the HCG Diet.

It’s important to note that these are just a few examples of foods to avoid. To ensure you’re following the HCG Diet Phase 2 restrictions accurately, referring to the approved food list is essential. By making mindful choices and avoiding these restricted foods, you’ll be on track to achieve your weight loss goals.

Food Reason for Avoidance
Green beans Not allowed during Phase 2
Cauliflower Not included in Phase 2-approved vegetables
Blueberries Excluded from Phase 2 fruit options
Turkey Not listed as an approved protein on Phase 2

Remember, following the prescribed food options is essential for the success of the HCG Diet Phase 2. By avoiding restricted foods and sticking to the approved list, you’ll maximize your weight loss potential and achieve your desired results.

Plateau Breakers on HCG Phase 2

Hcg Diet Phase 2 Plateau

Plateaus can sometimes occur during Phase 2 of the HCG Diet, where weight loss stalls. It can be frustrating, but there are strategies to help break through plateaus and continue making progress towards your goals. Here are some effective plateau breakers on HCG Phase 2:

  1. Increasing water intake: Staying hydrated is essential for optimal bodily functions. Drinking an adequate amount of water can help flush out toxins, reduce water retention, and support weight loss.
  2. Increasing protein by a small amount: Protein is vital for preserving muscle mass and keeping you feeling satisfied. By slightly increasing your protein intake, you can boost your metabolism and promote fat burning.
  3. Eating only apples for one day: An apple day, where you eat only apples throughout the day, can help kickstart weight loss again. The fiber in apples can aid digestion and regulate blood sugar levels.
  4. Cutting down on beef: Beef can sometimes lead to slower weight loss for some individuals. By reducing your consumption of beef and focusing on other lean protein sources, you may overcome the plateau.
  5. Checking for hidden sugars in condiments: Some condiments, such as ketchup and barbecue sauce, can contain hidden sugars that may hinder weight loss progress. Be mindful of the condiments you use and opt for sugar-free alternatives.
  6. Avoiding mixing vegetables: Dr. Simeons advised against mixing vegetables in the same meal during Phase 2. Following this guideline can optimize digestion and support weight loss.
  7. Eliminating breadsticks: While breadsticks are allowed on the HCG Diet, they can sometimes contribute to plateaus. Removing breadsticks from your meals for a period may help break through the weight loss stall.
  8. Adjusting medication if necessary: Certain medications can affect weight loss on the HCG Diet. If you suspect that your medication is causing a plateau, consult with your healthcare provider to explore alternative solutions.
  9. Exploring alternative methods like apple cider vinegar: Some individuals have found success in breaking plateaus by incorporating apple cider vinegar into their daily routine. Apple cider vinegar is believed to support digestion and the breakdown of stored fat.

By implementing these strategies, you can overcome plateaus and continue to experience weight loss while on Phase 2 of the HCG Diet.

HCG Diet Phase 3 and Beyond

Hcg Diet Maintenance Phase

Once you have completed Phase 2 of the HCG Diet, it’s time to transition into Phase 3, also known as the maintenance phase. Phase 3 lasts for three weeks, providing an opportunity for you to reintroduce a wider range of foods into your diet while still maintaining the principles of the HCG Diet. During this phase, it is essential to focus on weight stability and continue to make healthy choices.

During Phase 3, it is crucial to weigh yourself daily to track your progress and ensure that your weight remains stable. This will help you identify any fluctuations and make adjustments if necessary. The goal of Phase 3 is to maintain the weight you achieved in Phase 2.

While on Phase 3, you can increase your caloric intake compared to the strict calorie restriction of Phase 2. For females, it is recommended to consume 800-1200 calories per day, and for males, it is suggested to consume 1200-1500 calories per day. It is important to choose foods from the Phase 2 food list, as these options have been approved for the HCG Diet.

During this phase, it is still crucial to avoid sugar and starch, as these can contribute to weight gain. However, you can enjoy a wider variety of foods, including healthy fats and a greater selection of fruits and vegetables. This allows you to broaden your meal options while still adhering to the principles of the HCG Diet.

Phase 3 Guidelines
Increase caloric intake to 800-1200 calories for females and 1200-1500 calories for males
Choose foods from the Phase 2 food list
Avoid sugar and starch
Focus on weight stability
Weigh yourself daily
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Benefits of Phase 3

Phase 3 of the HCG Diet provides several important benefits. Firstly, it allows your body to adjust to the new weight range you achieved during Phase 2. This helps to solidify your weight loss and promotes a healthier metabolism. It also allows you to explore a wider range of foods while still maintaining a focus on healthy choices.

In addition, Phase 3 sets the foundation for long-term weight maintenance and a transition into a healthier lifestyle. By reintroducing a variety of foods in a controlled manner, you can learn how different foods affect your body and make informed choices in the future.

During Phase 3 and beyond, it is important to continue making mindful and nutritious choices to support your overall health and weight management goals. By adhering to the principles of the HCG Diet and incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine, you can achieve long-lasting results and maintain a healthier lifestyle.


The HCG Diet Phase 2 offers a carefully curated selection of proteins, vegetables, fruits, and miscellaneous ingredients to support effective weight loss. By adhering to the prescribed food options and guidelines, participants can confidently navigate their weight loss journey while making healthy and approved food choices.

During Phase 2, it is crucial to prioritize organic, hormone-free, non-GMO, and responsibly sourced proteins, as well as organic, pesticide-free fruits and vegetables whenever possible. Following the original protocol by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, participants can enjoy protein sources like chicken breast, extra lean beef, shrimp, and vegetarian options like curd cheese or a combination of whole eggs and egg whites.

In addition to proteins, the approved vegetable list includes green salad, tomatoes, asparagus, and more. Fruits such as strawberries, grapefruit, apples, and oranges can be enjoyed in moderation. It is important to note that some individuals may need to limit their intake of oranges to optimize weight loss.

By consulting with healthcare professionals and adhering to the HCG Diet protocol, participants can experience the full benefits of Phase 2, including steady weight loss and improved overall health. Remember, the journey to successful weight loss begins with informed food choices and a commitment to following the guidelines.


What are the allowable foods during HCG Diet Phase 2?

The allowable foods during HCG Diet Phase 2 include specific proteins such as chicken breast, extra lean cuts or ground beef, shrimp, crab, lobster, and vegetarian options like curd cheese or a combination of whole eggs and egg whites. Approved vegetables include green salad, asparagus, tomatoes, celery, spinach, radishes, cucumber, chicory, fennel, and chard. Fruits in moderation include strawberries, grapefruit, apples, and oranges. Miscellaneous ingredients like lemon juice, coffee, tea, spices, stevia, and specific types of broth are also allowed.

How much protein can I eat during Phase 2 of the HCG Diet?

Proteins should be weighed raw and consumed in 100-gram servings during Phase 2 of the HCG Diet.

Is there a limit to the amount of vegetables I can eat during Phase 2?

While Dr. Simeons did not specify exact serving sizes for vegetables during Phase 2, it is generally recommended to consume 1 1/2 cups of vegetables. However, participants can eat more if they feel hungry.

Which fruits are allowed during Phase 2 of the HCG Diet?

The fruits allowed during Phase 2 of the HCG Diet include strawberries, grapefruit, apples, and oranges. It is recommended to moderate the intake of oranges as some individuals may experience more difficulty losing weight when consuming them.

What are the miscellaneous ingredients allowed during Phase 2 of the HCG Diet?

The miscellaneous ingredients allowed during Phase 2 of the HCG Diet include the juice of one lemon per day, coffee, tea, sparkling water, one tablespoon of milk, fresh herbs and spices, stevia as a sweetener, salt and pepper in moderation, apple cider vinegar, liquid aminos, and homemade or commercial chicken and beef broth.

What foods should I avoid during Phase 2 of the HCG Diet?

Foods to avoid during Phase 2 of the HCG Diet include green beans, cauliflower, blueberries, turkey, and any other foods not listed in the approved food list.

How can I break through plateaus during Phase 2 of the HCG Diet?

To break through plateaus during Phase 2 of the HCG Diet, you can try increasing water intake, adding a small amount of extra protein, eating only apples for one day, reducing beef consumption, checking for hidden sugars in condiments, avoiding mixing vegetables, eliminating breadsticks, adjusting medication if necessary, and trying alternative methods such as apple cider vinegar.

What is Phase 3 of the HCG Diet?

Phase 3 of the HCG Diet is the maintenance phase that lasts for three weeks after completing the HCG injections or nasal spray. During this phase, participants can reintroduce a wider range of foods while still avoiding sugar and starch. It is important to weigh oneself daily and choose HCG-approved foods from the Phase 2 food list.

How should I navigate Phase 3 and beyond of the HCG Diet?

During Phase 3 and beyond of the HCG Diet, it is recommended to continue weighing oneself daily, increase caloric intake to 800-1200 calories for females and 1200-1500 calories for males, and focus on choosing HCG-approved foods from the Phase 2 food list while avoiding sugar and starch.

What is the take-home message about HCG Diet Phase 2 allowable foods?

The HCG Diet Phase 2 allows for specific proteins, vegetables, fruits, and miscellaneous ingredients to support weight loss. By following the prescribed food options and guidelines, participants can navigate their weight loss journey with knowledge of healthy and approved food choices. It is crucial to consult with healthcare professionals and adhere to the HCG Diet protocol for optimal results.

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